Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Messy Me

This is a poem I had written about letting go of an unstable but great relationship. It was wonderful at the time but the emotions were too confusing and we were soon on completely different pages. It is hard confusing mess, but I suppose the best art comes from the pain and joy of life. Enjoy.

I cannot let go of everything we had.
Sitting, waiting, hating, everything we loved,
and everything we shared.
I will not bend over in grief from the loss.
I will stand in this rain, and lift my chin.
I will not cry.
I will laugh in the face of anguish,
and will raise my middle finger to odium.
Smile on my face, and fire in my eyes.
I am alive, in love, and in pain.
Watch my heart burn in passion
to the thought of your eyes.
My speech slur as I get drunk off
our memories.
The future is dark
and you are the fuel
that lights my way.
I will close my eyes and die every night,
and awake in the morning
without you.
I will dream of the world
whether or not you are here.
I am alive, in love, and in pain,
but I am not afraid.

The Wanderer


I have walked this street a thousand times,
But I still can’t find my way.
Dreamt of love and open skies,
But my path is dark and gray.
I put my future to faith and chance
To show me wrong from right.
And in the end I can only hope
This love turns out alright.

The street is covered by a black sky,
With thousands of wishing stars.
Each one a dream from the heart,
That hides away these scars.
I push away the bluest thought
To make room for some love,
But without God it is distraught,
Because there is no God above.

I do not trust the light from windows,
they are not warm inside.
And I do not walk through any door,
Because in this street I bide.
Walking forward, quick to pace,
I search for someone to hold.
Though it is hard to open the
heart when it is icy cold.


I saw you walking toward me
with baggage on your back,
You offered me an open hand,
But it is in trust I lack.
I let you walk beside me
because I was alone.
And soon I let you in
from the heart you shown.


The days you had my trust
has been brought still,
And the openings you left
in my life are to easy to fill.
You are but a small phase
that I can move past.
And though you might think,
‘heart break’, I laugh.

I laugh that I had trusted
Every word you said,
I laugh that I had let you
get into my head.
I laugh because I am
strong enough to let you in,
And I laugh because you
can’t let go of what had been.


And now I walk these streets,
Only to walk it once more,
But this time as I walk,
I carry the baggage you wore.
But I do not carry it with sadness,
Nor do I carry it with fear.
I carry the bags on my back
So I can remember it clear.

That you are a not worth the scar,
You are not worth the tears,
You are the one who caved into
all of your fears.
And I am the one who left you
so you can finally see,
That the only person I
can truly trust is me.  

Sometimes I cannot think of Titles...

Sour words fall from your lips
like my heart fell from my chest,
dreams that were as wide as the ocean
shrink under the glare of the sun.
Stars that once shinned brightly,
through the dark of unknown,
is now swallowed by the darkness
that you hold in your own heart.
You are at the lost of beauty,
for you have no dreams
to comfort your soul at rest,
no stars to wish upon
when your hope runs out,
your loss is your own and yours alone.
Let the light in so you may feel the love
you worked so hard
to protect your heart from.
But for now the only love you may get
is the love you give yourself.

A Day of Nothing

Down by the grove
where I had once drove,
I would sit under a sycamore tree.
The wind would blow,
thoughts would flow,
and the bird sung a song for me.

The sun would burn bright,
shine away the night
until it was time to leave.
Remembering those days
in the hot summer haze,
I would sigh and reprieve.

I rejoiced in those times,
when life had no lines,
and I knew no malcontent.
Missing my naps in the grass,
I can only reminisce through glass
of the days of a youth well spent.


Lovely words dance from lips
and unspoken thoughts
weigh down the heart.
Honest expression trapped
beneath societies foot,
We falsely smile day in and
day out, to please those
who can’t see beyond
the glass of our world.
We stumble through life
blinded by our false belief
in an honest person.
We let someone else
take our weight and in
return we follow like
sheep, no longer caring
for our independence
to be free, only in the
comfort of a false life.