Thursday, December 1, 2011

Prompt of the Day 1

"Today, write a scene about drowning in any other sense than the traditional - ie, don't mention water. What else can one drown in?
Alternatively, you can take those words a different way... if you want to write about someone drowning in water, go for it. Just don't say the word 'water'.
Have fun!" I found this post on the subreddit promptoftheday and I hope you enjoy my little scene.
I was suffocating. My mind was racing. My heart beating faster as my fear deepened at the thought of going near him. His blindness to his own desires heated every cell in my body and I slowly came to loath him. He was ignorant to his own wishes, but I could see clearly. He needed me and he wanted me to need him, but I wanted neither. I wouldn't let him eat away at any independence I had left. He was drowning me in his need, killing me slowly, and taking every ounce of energy I had to support himself. He was slowly forcing me into dependence, and having to choose between my best friend and my freedom tore away at my heart.
I soon grew tired, and the fight to hold myself back from hurting him was depleting quickly. In one last chance to save myself, I snapped. There was no holding back and I no longer had empathy for the man. A war had started. He was hurt but not discouraged, and he continued to fight against me.
In the final battle for air I burned the bridge between us, and watched as the sky fell upon us. Bruised, bloody, and beaten, I walked away from the shore taking a deep breath of relief. I looked at the land I had forgot and rejoiced in the ability to rediscover everything I had left behind.

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